VEX CAN DEAL BIG DAMAGE! - Unranked to Diamond Nuzlocke | League of Legends -

VEX CAN DEAL BIG DAMAGE! – Unranked to Diamond Nuzlocke | League of Legends

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VEX CAN DEAL BIG DAMAGE! – Unranked to Diamond Nuzlocke | League of Legends


  1. speaking of tanks one shotting back in the day:league now: 👀

  2. 5:22 I think the word you were looking for, Huzzy, was "corky" not "cocky"

  3. I'm so confused by this season. I last played in 2015 and picked it back up after starting to watch Huzzy again.
    As Support Main I wanted to get an Idea of the new Support champions and one of those I saw mentioned was Vex.

  4. I didn't know that Amumu was a Yordle.

  5. what are u talking about huzzy ….at 11:30 . vex has 0 cooldowns on her Q . u started E !! u should be starting Q perma push perma roam.

  6. I feel like there have been a lot of timid Draven players around lately. They play like a typical scaling ADC despite maining the most early-game goober outside of Panth. Considering the T1 stereotype you'd think they would play the opposite

  7. Draven, an early game champ, proceeds to farm and split push the whole game. 🤔

  8. I notice something, the draven lost his mind when he ping himself. Which is weird

  9. We need ziggs mid!!!!! 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾

  10. Always grinding huzzy! Just quit my job in operations and logistics. Wish me luck!

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