VEX CAN DEAL BIG DAMAGE! – Unranked to Diamond Nuzlocke | League of Legends
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VEX CAN DEAL BIG DAMAGE! – Unranked to Diamond Nuzlocke | League of Legends
Morg deserved that damn honor!
Hello :3
speaking of tanks one shotting back in the day:league now: 👀
1st! nice game!🤩
Solid carry huzz
Nice one, Huzz.
5:22 I think the word you were looking for, Huzzy, was "corky" not "cocky"
I'm so confused by this season. I last played in 2015 and picked it back up after starting to watch Huzzy again.
As Support Main I wanted to get an Idea of the new Support champions and one of those I saw mentioned was Vex.
Day 736 of helping Huzzy Algorithm
I didn't know that Amumu was a Yordle.
what are u talking about huzzy ….at 11:30 . vex has 0 cooldowns on her Q . u started E !! u should be starting Q perma push perma roam.
Yordles hype!
I've to see amumu support!
I feel like there have been a lot of timid Draven players around lately. They play like a typical scaling ADC despite maining the most early-game goober outside of Panth. Considering the T1 stereotype you'd think they would play the opposite
Draven, an early game champ, proceeds to farm and split push the whole game. 🤔
I notice something, the draven lost his mind when he ping himself. Which is weird
We need ziggs mid!!!!! 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
Always grinding huzzy! Just quit my job in operations and logistics. Wish me luck!
Fizz is not a yordle I believe