This VEX MYTHOCLAST BUILD destroys everything in its path (INSANE) | Destiny 2 -

This VEX MYTHOCLAST BUILD destroys everything in its path (INSANE) | Destiny 2

Views: 12320
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The Vex received a huge buff in the latest patch and it is now one of the best weapons in the game! On top of that, a lot of mods are based around fusions this season so it makes it even better! Let me know what you all think of Vex now! Thanks for watching and I hope you enjoy it!

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  1. What I found curious about this weapon is that the first shot has 100% accuracy, so if you space your shots, you can kinda use it as a scout rifle.So that would make vex mythoclast a: fusion rifle/non fusion rifle, auto rifle, linear fusion rifle and scout rifle…Pretty crazy, I love it

  2. Quick charge isn't showing up in my mods.. anyone know why, yes I have it

  3. Do you think a variation of this build can be good in Crucible?

  4. Don't say busted please I've been using this build past two season now plus my new seasonal mod oh baby it like got a double buff. Shhhh 🤫

  5. Hopefully I can get a group together for the catalyst. I'm lucky if the people I can get are able to do the raid it's self

  6. You should use Unstoppable Fusion+HEF/SOS on your arms.

  7. Please stop calling things "Broken" if you enjoy using them 🤦

  8. Git it yesterday on my first run. My clan kicked me for it

  9. This build is way better on titians with the newer boots

  10. Lol he's showing a mid build on reg strikes lol

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