#Shorts Velocity RGB VOP #houdini MaterialX for Karma CPU & XPU #houdinifx #vfxshorts - oramagamestudios.com

#Shorts Velocity RGB VOP #houdini MaterialX for Karma CPU & XPU #houdinifx #vfxshorts

Sharan Vaswani
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Here’s a quick look at the IPOPs Toolset – The Image Operators for Houdini.
I have been developing a toolset (70+ HDAs) called the IPOPs (Image Plane Operators) which has a bunch of interesting nodes for geometry, particles, volumes and utility nodes for AOVs.

The Velocity RGB VOP Shader works in Karma Materials as well as MaterialX and renders in Karma CPU & XPU. The Velocity RGB VOP can be used to generate a quick velocity attribute pass as well ramp along velocity based on speed.

For queries please email me at [email protected]

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