Returnal – Game Malayalam Review | PlayStation Game Walkthrough Gameplay | VEX Entertainment
Game Synopsis
Returnal is a third-person shooter roguelike video game developed by Housemarque and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. It was released for the PlayStation 5 on April 30, 2021. The game follows Selene, an Astra scout who lands on the planet Atropos in search of the mysterious white signal and finds herself trapped in a time loop.
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Also Spoiler-free Story Gameplay and Walkthrough
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What is an Angry Review?
Angry reviews are an Honest opinion and POV from HRK the Showrunner and it may
Contains Swear Words because of the Disappointment comes from the Huge Hype
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Game INFO : Returnal Malayalam Review and Walkthrough Gameplay
#Returnal #ReturnalReview #Playstation #PS5 #vexent #Gameplay #mallugamer #malayalam