Games to Play cuz GPUs Cost Too Much
==Some Games I Mentioned==
Risk of Rain 2:
Lethal Company:
Stardew Valley:
Death Must Die:
Vampire Survivors:
Halls of Torment:
Hollow Knight:
Yeah, they are expensive and that kinda sucks. The thing is it can be very easy to get pressured into ‘HAVING’ to upgrade your PC, or it can be difficult to even join the PC Masterrace with we are in this situation. However, you don’t gotta do the latest and greatest…
Here are some games that ANY system can play, WHAT you CAN DO to get most games to work, and suggestions on what kind of fun is out there. If you know some others (because ik there are plenty) leave them below!
Alway Lackin:
0:00- the state of GPUs
0:52- What we doin
1:50- The Limits
4:20- Cheap GPU in Competitive Games
5:28- NO GPU in Competitive Games
6:25- Lighter Games
10:05- 100 dollars says your PC can run these
13:25- The Illusion of Pressure